
Glen Tanar Estate Waymarked Paths Map

Extract of the Glen Tanar Estate Waymarked Paths Map

Glen Tanar Estate, situated on the eastern edge of Scotland’s Cairngorms National Park, commissioned Jason to design and create a new map and supporting collateral material for visitors. This 25,000 acre natural and working estate needed to make the provision for visitors clearer. The newly developed map identifies wyamarked paths on a topographic base map developed from open-source data, and that belonging to the estate itself. Implemented as A1 and A2 in-situ signs at key entry points to the estate, along with an A3 pocket guide, the new map is clearer, more accurate and aligns with the estate's aims, objectives and brand—meeting the brief.

The layout and provision of the map and supporting information on one of two information shelters. The entire coverage of the Glen Tanar Estate Paths Map

[ The extract(s) shown here are not at scale ]