Aldershot Wayfinding Map

Jason was commissioned by ONE Digital Signage, on behalf of Rushmoor Council, to design and produce mapping to be used on interactive totems in Aldershot town centre. The local authroity was licensed to use Ordnance Survey (OS) topographic data for this application, enabling Jason to create a highly accurate and detailed map. Jason also added the integrated transport network (ITN) as a layer, including footpaths, pavements and crossings, so that automated route planning for pedestrians could be enabled as a feature. The colour palette was informed by the brand guidelines of the authority. A number of 3D landmarks were also created. The artwork was originated to appear as heads-up in each location there was an interactive totem; 10 in total, and designed to be as legible as possible within the constraints of a FHD (1920×1080px) screen.